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 We are the Behavioral Health and Suicide Prevention Task Force of Montgomery County, TX, (BHSP),

an all-volunteer-based organization working to reduce the stigma of mental health and prevent deaths by suicide in Montgomery and neighboring counties.

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About BHSP

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Mission Statement

The BHSP Community Task Force exists to create a happier, healthier community by raising awareness about behavioral health and suicide through education, prevention and connections.

Our Beginning

The Montgomery County Behavioral Health & Suicide Prevention was created by The Honorable Judge Wayne Mack of Precinct 1, along with several other community and faith leaders to address rising numbers of suicide in Montgomery County. What began as a small group, grew to a county-wide call to action that drew over 500 volunteers to answer the call. Today, BHSP has 12 work-groups dedicated to working along side mental health professionals and advocates. 

GAPS Analysis Report

In February 2023, our GAPS Analysis Report was finalized.   Gathering For Action Final Report, Montgomery County